[ RadSafe ] Attn. Landauer Customers

Frikkie Beeslaar BEESLAR at sabs.co.za
Wed Aug 24 07:44:19 CDT 2005

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For interest sake, how does the dose from the control badge compare with the average value of 6 mrem?

We have also decided not to take the control badge route due to logistical reason and because clients just don't send all their dosimeter back together or send the wrong control badge with the wrong batch.  
Although, the control badge is an available option, but nobody is really interested in it.  We use a value of 0,23 mrem per day (+/-7mrem per month).
For comparative studies and consistency it is probably better to use the same calculation(background subtraction) each time.

Another question is, does the benefit of a control badge outweighs the logistical nightmare associated with it.  

Frik Beeslaar

Frik Beeslaar
Medical Physicist
Radiation Protection Service (SABS)
e-mail: BEESLAR at SABS.CO.ZA 


>>> "SandyPerle" <sandyfl at earthlink.net> 2005-08-24 02:18:00 >>>
FYI .. GDS notes that when no Control is returned, that an on-house is eithee used or not, per account set-up. Other options include a fixed background subtraction (rate/day)m client desired rate per day, a fixed backround, and a request to use a spare badge, or, an individual's badge that was not worn during the period.

This is an easily fixed issue and is flexible enough to meet any individual's requirements.

Sandy Perle

Sent from my Treo
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