[ RadSafe ] Nuclear Power/ Greenhouse Effect/

howard long hflong at pacbell.net
Tue Nov 1 18:48:25 CST 2005

The good from increased CO2 levels is detailed at www.oism.org/pproject where
17,000 scientists signed a petition indicating so.
I have observed Robt. C. Balling Jr's experiments in Phoenix, twice, published in his 
 The Heated Debate - Greenhouse Predictions Vs Climate Reality
pub Pacific Research Inst for Public Policy, SF (415) 989-0833
forword by Aaron Wildavsky PPres Am Political Science Assoc.
Norway's loss of heat from Gulf stream changes with global warming is as questionable as the now infamous "hockey stick" graph (obtainable with random numbers by the author's method).
Viva sunspots and nuclear power to make a more comfortable environment!
However, ice caps are thickening, as Crichton's State of Fear accurately footnoted.
Howard Long 

"Johansen, Kjell" <Kjell.Johansen at nmcco.com> wrote:
I seen nothing good in increasing the CO2 concentration to 600ppm.
There are two photosynthesis pathways, C3 and C4. The higher
concentration favors the pathway which produces less nutritious food.
Also, warmer temperatures results in melting of the icecaps which
results in the raising of sea level and in an influx of freshwater into
the oceans. In the northern hemisphere, this will disrupt the Gulf
Stream which carries large amount of heat to the northern hemispheric
countries such as Norway. As a Norwegian by birth I find the disregard
of such an outcome to be unsatisfactory. Who knows what other
disruptions in the oceanic circulatory patterns will occur. And once
they occur, the current patterns may not be re-established in our
lifetimes. At what point will such shifts occur? We do not know. But,
geological studies show that they could happen relatively quickly, in
100 years, on the geological time scale. When we dump millions of years
of squestered carbon into the atmosphere in a couple of centuries, it is
impossible to forcast exactly what will happen. It is evident that
increased concentrations will drive the biogeochemical reactions into
environmental conditions not experienced by humanity in the last several
million years. From what we do know, the outcomes are more bad that
Kjell Johansen
Whitefish Bay, WI
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