[ RadSafe ] Contamination Monitoring of Sheep

Dimiter Popoff didi at tgi-sci.com
Tue Apr 4 12:05:41 CDT 2006

I have no better suggestion than using a portable HPGe detector,
but then I neither have the experience you ask for nor am I anything
else but a manufacturer of HPGe MCA equipment.
 The reason why I reply will become obvious if you look at my
collection of sheep... http://tgi-sci.com/tgi/fun/kozichki.htm .
Now why I call them goats rather than sheep is a totally
different matter, but I must say I have yet to figure out how
to talk them into staying long enough in front of the detector
to be measured.... especially the left-most one, very naughty.

Dimiter :-) :-) :-)

P.S. Sorry for the posting, was just in a laughing mood and
my collection was only a week young...

Dimiter Popoff               Transgalactic Instruments


>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Angus.Townley at corusgroup.com
>  Subject: [ RadSafe ] Contamination Monitoring of Sheep
>  Sent: Apr 04 '06 17:12
>  Hi,
>  I was wondering if anyone out there had any experience of live (in vivo)
>  monitoring of caesium contamination in sheep, or to that manner any other
>  animals. Equally if you can point me at any published papers or other
>  resources.
>  What instruments have you used and found to be successful? What issues are
>  there with converting Caesium count rates to bq/kg?
>  Many thanks
>  Angus Townley
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