[ RadSafe ] Re: TLD Sensitivity

Rotunda, Joseph E. joseph.rotunda at thermo.com
Wed Apr 26 16:15:18 CDT 2006

Dear Marvin,
Your question is very generic and needs more detail for a proper answer.  For example, is the TLD material the same in the wrist and whole body dosimeter?  There are many TLD material used in the industry and even different material for the whole body badge as compared to the wrist or extremity.  For example, LiF:Mg,Cu,P has a very flat energy response throughout the entire energy spectrum of interest.  Other materials that are less tissue equivalent have higher energy over responses at low energies.  In addition, there may be difference in shielding due to the location in the packed luggage, if they are not located in the same area.

If you would like more details and to discuss the question, please give me a call or send me an email to the address below.  Thank you.

Best Regards,
Joe Rotunda
Dosimetry Product Line Management
Radiation Measurement & Protection
Thermo Electron Corporation
26400 Broadway Avenue
Oakwood Village, OH 44146
Phone: +1 (440) 945-2100
FAX:    +1 (914) 470-2002

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