[ RadSafe ] Supplier of chemical dosimeters

John Jacobus crispy_bird at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 8 11:59:23 CDT 2006

We are getting into high dose (50-60 kGy)
sterilization.  Does anyone know a supplier of
chemical dosimeters so we can use validate the doses

Please reply privately.  

>From an article about physicians doing clinical studies: 

"It was just before an early morning meeting, and I was really trying to get to the bagels, but I couldn't help overhearing a conversation between one of my statistical colleagues and a surgeon.

Statistician: "Oh, so you have already calculated the P value?"

Surgeon: "Yes, I used multinomial logistic regression."

Statistician: "Really? How did you come up with that?"

Surgeon: "Well, I tried each analysis on the SPSS drop-down menus, and that was the one that gave the smallest P value"."

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird at yahoo.com

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