[ RadSafe ] SI; Now or never?

Robert D Gallagher rdgallagher at nssihouston.com
Fri Feb 17 15:33:19 CST 2006

totally agree with Sandy. Imediately on receipt at our facility, all values
are changed to units we in the US recognize and are familiar with. We
consider it a safety hazard to use SI units internally.

When we are shipping, we must use SI units but always also use mr and mci so
anyone receiving the package knows exactly what he is getting without having
to take the time to convert.

I am sure this will continue for at least another generation within the US.

Bob Gallagher

-----Original Message-----
From: radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl [mailto:radsafe-bounces at radlab.nl]On
Behalf Of Sandy Perle
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 11:42 AM
To: radsafe at radlab.nl
Subject: RE : [ RadSafe ] SI; Now or never?

Scientifically, SI units is preferred. From a practical sense, the
cost to implement a program would be staggering. Consider that
extensive training programs would be required, all standard operating
procedures, specifications, labelling would have to be modified. More
importantly, how many serious errors will occur when an individual
mis-reads an instrument resulting in harm to individuals, the
environment or property. Consider that in the medical profession
today, people are injured when indicators are mis-read, and we
haven't even changed the units yet!

At some point one must assess the overall benefit for making a change
and what the consequences may be. In my opinion, the USA would be
foolish to change from the known and well understood system that has
been in use for a long time. While we do gain consistency with a
majority of the world and scientific community, from a practical
sense, that gain is unimportant considering the potential problems
and excessive costs resulting.

Sandy Perle
Senior Vice President, Technical Operations
Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
2652 McGaw Avenue
Irvine, CA 92614

Tel: (949) 296-2306 / (888) 437-1714  Extension 2306
Fax:(949) 296-1144

E-Mail: sperle at dosimetry.com
E-Mail: sandyfl at earthlink.net

Global Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com/
Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com/

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