AW: AW: AW: AW: [ RadSafe ] Fears promoted by anti-nuclear Greens

Maury Siskel maurysis at
Thu Mar 16 08:10:46 CST 2006

And thus we await the feature event of the evening: the placement by 
Beir XVII of the cloak over the sun; which will save us from UV, IR, 
x-ray radiation, and global warming!
Maury&Dog      (maurysis at

Rainer.Facius at wrote:

> "Unfortunately, the non-scientists may not grasp the significance of 
> this aspect of the arguments. Rather, they [only!] hear that there is 
> a risk."
> Dear John:
> You hit the nail on its head: This exactly is the crux!
> *************************
> Combine the LNT postulate with the outright asinine (ab-)use of 
> collective dose as a prognostic tool and the news greedily will 
> distribute the horror stories kicked off by papers like e.g.
> Berrington de Gonzalez A, Darby S, Risk of cancer from diagnostic 
> X-rays: estimates for the UK and 14 other

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