AW: [ RadSafe ] Ranger site, uranium in Australia & cancer clusters among aborigines

John Jacobus crispy_bird at
Sat Dec 1 13:54:06 CST 2007

Is the clusing caused by the population, or to the
studies being done around location, i.e., the nuclear
power plant?  Populations studies are usually based on
incidence per population size, so the bias between
small populations and large is reduced. 

Of course, you can have populations so small that
certain types of cancers do not appear.  Certain types
of brain cancers are so rare, that one or two may
occur over a decade.  Thus, when you have three in
three years, it becomes an "epidemic."

--- Rainer.Facius at wrote:

> For leukemia clusters - especially in childhood - in
> populations around nuclear power reactors the
> contribution of 'migration' of workers with their
> families to such usually new settlements appears to
> be an established 'cause'.
> Rainer Facius
> ________________________________
> Von: radsafe-bounces at im Auftrag von Bjorn
> Cedervall
> Gesendet: Mi 28.11.2007 05:40
> An: radsafe at
> Betreff: [ RadSafe ] Ranger site,uranium in
> Australia & cancer clusters among aborigines
> One more aspect: Does anyone know whether the
> aborigines working at the site moved into the area
> relatively recently or not? There is a possibility
> that some of the aborigines were recruited from
> other areas with different habits and lifestyles and
> that such factors predisposed them or even started
> cancers before they began working at these uranium
> production sites. Any comments?
> My personal reflection only,
> Bjorn Cedervall   bcradsafers at
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"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." -- Sir Winston Churchill

-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail:  crispy_bird at

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