[ RadSafe ] Gulf War and Birth Defects

James Salsman james at readsay.com
Tue Jan 16 20:09:19 CST 2007

Colonel Daxon wrote:

> The most recent review of birth defects and Gulf War has just been published
> by the Institute of Medicine, 2006.  The conclusion was "This the committee
> concludes that there is no consistent pattern of higher prevalence of birth
> defects among the off spring of male or female Gulf War veterans and no
> single defect, except urinary tract abnormalities, has been found in more
> than one well-designed study."

If it isn't already obvious from "This the committee" and "off
spring," that is a
fabricated and misleading quote.  In "Gulf War and Health: Volume 4. Health
Effects of Serving in the Gulf War" (2006), the Institute of Medicine wrote:
"Evidence regarding rates of testicular cancer, brain cancer, and certain
birth defects among Gulf War veterans is inconsistent and the committee
recommended further surveillance for those health outcomes."
 -- http://www.iom.edu/CMS/3793/24597/36955.aspx

I wonder what quotes Colonel Daxon will feel he has to come up with when
the odds ratio breaks into double digits and/or persists to grandchildren.

We need to face the facts.  People sometimes accuse me of being a
peace activist.  I am in favor of diplomacy, but I have never picketed
a recruiting station.  When military types resort to blatant lies and
distortion, the public eventually finds out, and when they do, the effect
is greater than a hundred picketers at each of a thousand recruiting
stations could ever hope to achieve.  What must other nations think
of the U.S., with all the money we spend on our military and such a
serious recruiting crisis?  We have such a crisis because those
entrusted with the safety of our soldiers can not face the truth about
the Gulf War vets' kids birth defects, or even the fact that uranium has
gas vapor combustion products.  Astounding!

James Salsman

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