[ RadSafe ] LLRC Radioactive times

Dawson, Fred Mr Fred.Dawson199 at mod.uk
Thu Mar 22 10:10:20 CDT 2007

List members might be interested in the latest Edition of the
Radioactive Times from the LLRC


"Radioactive Times for December 2006 is now on the web as a PDF. Look
for the Radioactive Times button on the left of the http://www.llrc.org
<http://www.llrc.org/>  home page.
It's largely about Uranium weapons - what we used to call "Depleted
Uranium" until the military hit on the idea of concealing the tell-tale
isotopic ratio of DU by using natural Uranium. As we now see in this
issue, Enriched Uranium is part of the mix now. 
There is a description of Photoelectron Enhancement of dose - a
mechanism which provides a possible explanation of why Uranium appears
to be so dangerous despite its low level of radioactivity. It's based on
two known characteristics of Uranium - its propensity to bind to DNA and
its huge capacity to absorb background gamma rays and re-emit their
energy to local tissue. Does this solve the conundrum of why heavy
metals are toxic? Will it get its originator a Nobel Prize? Don't hold
your breath. 
Other stories are about 
*	Chernobyl health effects, 
*	CoRWM the Louche, 
*	the equally louche son of CoRWM, 
*	how to detect Uranium in the environment, 
*	how Uranium from Gulf War 2 turned up in air filters near the
Atomic Weapons Establishment near London, 
*	philosophical problems with science advice, access to cancer
*	official attacks on ICRP's risk model, 
*	and Chris Busby's Science Wars combat manual, Wolves of Water,
which is getting rave reviews from those who have already bought it.
This is the story of my life, too!! ; I am all but 30 pages from the end
of the book. It is GOOD! ; This is a story that just HAD to be told.  "

Fred Dawson

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