[ RadSafe ] Any suggestions for a nuclear medicine wipe counter?
John Jacobus
crispy_bird at yahoo.com
Sun May 20 19:39:42 CDT 2007
Try this. The Wipe Counter (Model 1051). It uses a GM
detector system, and is easy to operate, i.e.,
pass/fail. I think that the NRC approved its use many
years ago.
--- garyi at trinityphysics.com wrote:
> I've been asked to recommend a wipe counter to a
> nuclear medicine lab. Personally, I like a
> simple scalar system with minimal computer bells and
> whistles. I feel that many
> technologists who have highly computerized systems
> don't know how to use them. Anyway,
> does anyone have a setup suitable for nuclear
> medicine that you can steer me toward?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Gary Isenhower
> garyi at trinityphysics.com
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-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird at yahoo.com
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