[ RadSafe ] Radium

Brennan, Mike (DOH) Mike.Brennan at DOH.WA.GOV
Thu Nov 8 13:33:47 CST 2007

The Wikipedia entry on radium says that, "Radium is luminescent (giving
a faint blue color),..."  Does anyone here know if that is true?  I have
been under the impression that the luminescence in radium painted items
was from phosphorescent chemicals in the paint that absorbed energy from
ionizing radiation and re-radiate in the visible spectrum.  There are
other things in the article that I have questions about, too, but I
should be able to answer them with references I have here.

What do people here think of Wikipedia?  I have found it to be a useful
source for many topics, though I've also seen content that seems to have
an agenda, or that is "everyone knows" type stuff that is wrong. 

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