[ RadSafe ] New oral agents may prevent injuryafterradiationexposure

McCarty, Mike (DEQ) MCCARTYM1 at michigan.gov
Tue Jul 14 09:49:12 CDT 2009

This serves to remind me of a fictional character in "On the Beach" by
Nevil Shute, published in 1957.  He spent the post World War III period
consuming a wine cellar (lest the fine wines go unappreciated) and
bemoaning that if ethanol really did counteract radiation sickness there
would be no one left alive with him to take note of the fact.

Here's to your health.

Mike McCarty
MI Department of Environmental Quality
Radiological Protection Section
Radiological Laboratory

-----Original Message-----

2) Many decades ago I remember that it was distributed on our massmedia,
that ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) was an excellent scavenger for free
radicals. We
joked then, that if it would not really help to remediate the radiation
impact it would at least help to feel the "patient" better... Is this

Best regards,


Franz Schoenhofer, PhD
MinRat i.R.
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Wien/Vienna

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