[ RadSafe ] TLD Irradiator Repair

Jason Fernandez umichradlab at gmail.com
Wed May 26 15:41:16 CDT 2010


My name is Jason Fernandez from the University of Michigan Nuclear
Engineering Department, e-mailing on behalf of Professor Kimberlee Kearfott.
We are looking to find someone who would be able to travel here, in Ann
Arbor, MI, to fix a TLD irradiator. We would like not to ship the machine
since it is rather big and may be damaged during shipment; it has been
damaged from a previous shipment already. The machine in question is a TLD
Irradiator WE2001 PC made by Williston Elin based in South Africa; we have
tried to contact them but however, we have been unable to reach them.  We
believe that the main problem may be a blown power transformer(s), and
possibly other problems. If you could send me a quote (preferably in e-mail)
for a possible repair, we would greatly appreciate it. If you have any more
questions, please feel free to e-mail me at umichradlab at gmail.com

Thank you!

-Jason Fernandez

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