[ RadSafe ] Loan guarantee for Calvert Cliffs- Unit 3 reactor

Maury Siskel maurysis at peoplepc.com
Thu Nov 4 04:49:23 CDT 2010

Dear Radsafers

Your help in the form of five copies of a brief email from you is needed 
to promote a nuclear energy project in Maryland.

Please consider postponing further polemics about radiation exposure, 
climate change, and calculus based physics. Anti-nuclear zealots are 
doing their best to prevent the construction of  a new nuclear reactor, 
Calvert Cliffs-Unit 3 to generate electricity. At the present time, a 
French corporation, EDF,  is heavily involved in this project. As has 
been cutomary with new nuclear power programs, the construction of this 
reactor depends on a federal loan guarantee which now is pending federal 

I ask that each of you  send a brief email to Dr. Steven Chu, Secy of 
Energy;. to Jonathon Silver, Chief, Loan Guarantee Program, to both of 
your Senators, and to your Represetative. Ask them to urge approval of 
the pending loan guarantee in order to get work started on Calvert 
Cliffs-3. This action could  finally start a serious resurrection of 
nuclear power in the United States.  Or if you are so disposed, voice 
your objection.

You are welcome to use my email [see below] for possible wording. Surely 
a bit of time and effort to promote this nuclear power program would be 
more useful than the protracted mental masturbation over intelligent 
design, qomah, calculus based physics, hormesis, bottle caps, scripture, 
and so on.

Best regards and thanks for your forbearance,

+++++++++++++Siskel to Chu et al++++++++++++++++++
Dear Secretary Chu,

As you know, the French government-owned company Electricite de France 
(EDF) has bought Baltimore-based Constellation Energy's entire share of 
their joint venture UniStar Nuclear, and thus EDF now owns all of the 
proposed Calvert Cliffs-Unit 3 nuclear reactor.

Gratefully, some public officials and nuclear power advocates believe 
EDF should still be able to obtain the $7.5 billion loan guarantee DOE 
offered to UniStar, which Constellation turned down.

If EDF were able to obtain a new U.S. partner, I think this help from 
U.S. taxpayers to promote the construction of a much needed source of 
electricity is highly desireable. The construction of new nuclear power 
sources is long overdue. Nuclear reactors are one of the best clean 
energy sources at much lower cost than any current prospects from wind 
or solar energy.

Given our current economic situation, I suggest that there are few 
better uses of our tax dollars than offering loan guarantees for the 
construction of long overdue  (e.g., 30+ years) new nuclear reactors.

The American people remain frightened by images of Hiroshima and 
Chernobyl. Unfortunately, too many organizations promote this fear in 
order to delay and prevent construction of  new nuclear reactors.

In short, please do everything possible to provide a loan guarantee (not 
a loan) to EDF for a new nuclear reactor.

Thank you,
Maury Siskel
maurysis at peoplepc.com

cc: Loan Guarantee Program Chief Jonathan Silver
     Members of Congress
++++++++End Siskel to Chu et al++++++++++++++++++++++

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