[ RadSafe ] Loan guarantee for Calvert Cliffs- Unit 3 reactor

Maury Siskel maurysis at peoplepc.com
Thu Nov 4 14:55:15 CDT 2010

The.Secretary at hq.doe.gov

Thanks Dustin, sorry, I just came to your post. Above email should reach 
his office. I'm looking for one to Jonathan Silver ...... I'll be back
Dustin G. Miller wrote:

>Do you have the email addresses of Dr. Chu and Mr. Silver available that you
>could forward to the list?
>Dustin G. Miller
>-----Original Message-----
>From: radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu
>[mailto:radsafe-bounces at health.phys.iit.edu] On Behalf Of Maury Siskel
>Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 5:49 AM
>To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
>Subject: [ RadSafe ] Loan guarantee for Calvert Cliffs- Unit 3 reactor
>Dear Radsafers
>Your help in the form of five copies of a brief email from you is needed 
>to promote a nuclear energy project in Maryland.
>Please consider postponing further polemics about radiation exposure, 
>climate change, and calculus based physics. Anti-nuclear zealots are 
>doing their best to prevent the construction of  a new nuclear reactor, 
>Calvert Cliffs-Unit 3 to generate electricity. At the present time, a 
>French corporation, EDF,  is heavily involved in this project. As has 
>been cutomary with new nuclear power programs, the construction of this 
>reactor depends on a federal loan guarantee which now is pending federal 
>I ask that each of you  send a brief email to Dr. Steven Chu, Secy of 
>Energy;. to Jonathon Silver, Chief, Loan Guarantee Program, to both of 
>your Senators, and to your Represetative. Ask them to urge approval of 
>the pending loan guarantee in order to get work started on Calvert 
>Cliffs-3. This action could  finally start a serious resurrection of 
>nuclear power in the United States.  Or if you are so disposed, voice 
>your objection.
>You are welcome to use my email [see below] for possible wording. Surely 
>a bit of time and effort to promote this nuclear power program would be 
>more useful than the protracted mental masturbation over intelligent 
>design, qomah, calculus based physics, hormesis, bottle caps, scripture, 
>and so on.
>Best regards and thanks for your forbearance,
>+++++++++++++Siskel to Chu et al++++++++++++++++++
>Dear Secretary Chu,
>As you know, the French government-owned company Electricite de France 
>(EDF) has bought Baltimore-based Constellation Energy's entire share of 
>their joint venture UniStar Nuclear, and thus EDF now owns all of the 
>proposed Calvert Cliffs-Unit 3 nuclear reactor.
>Gratefully, some public officials and nuclear power advocates believe 
>EDF should still be able to obtain the $7.5 billion loan guarantee DOE 
>offered to UniStar, which Constellation turned down.
>If EDF were able to obtain a new U.S. partner, I think this help from 
>U.S. taxpayers to promote the construction of a much needed source of 
>electricity is highly desireable. The construction of new nuclear power 
>sources is long overdue. Nuclear reactors are one of the best clean 
>energy sources at much lower cost than any current prospects from wind 
>or solar energy.
>Given our current economic situation, I suggest that there are few 
>better uses of our tax dollars than offering loan guarantees for the 
>construction of long overdue  (e.g., 30+ years) new nuclear reactors.
>The American people remain frightened by images of Hiroshima and 
>Chernobyl. Unfortunately, too many organizations promote this fear in 
>order to delay and prevent construction of  new nuclear reactors.
>In short, please do everything possible to provide a loan guarantee (not 
>a loan) to EDF for a new nuclear reactor.
>Thank you,
>Maury Siskel
>maurysis at peoplepc.com
>cc: Loan Guarantee Program Chief Jonathan Silver
>     Members of Congress
>++++++++End Siskel to Chu et al++++++++++++++++++++++

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