[ RadSafe ] MARSSIM REV 2

darrell liles darrell.liles1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 07:41:17 CDT 2010

Request for MARSSIM Revision Input

What is MARSSIM?

MARSSIM stands for the *M*ulti-*A*gency *R*adiation *S*urvey and
*S*ite *I*nvestigation
*M*anual.  MARSSIM was jointly created by the DoD, DOE, EPA, and NRC to
provide guidance to federal agencies, states, site owners, and contractors
on how to prove that their site meets a radiation standard.

Why revise MARSSIM?

The state of the science in radiation measurement has improved and the type
and number of radiation measurement methods have increased since MARSSIM was
first issued in 1997.  In addition, “lessons learned” over the past thirteen
years of use have yielded improvements to the MARSSIM process.

What revisions are currently planned?

The MARSSIM Workgroup plans to include the following:

   - Updated treatment of measurement uncertainty
   - Updated measurement methods
   - Scenario B (“assumed to pass until proven otherwise”)
   - Increased emphasis on regulator interface during survey design
   - User comments (“lessons learned”)
   - Definitions/terms consistent with related documents
   - Better discussion of “hotspots” and UMTRCA standards

Why seek additional input for the revisions?

Obtaining input from MARSSIM users across the country and from all parts of
the MARSSIM process will help refine planned revisions and provide ideas for
needed new improvements.

How can I provide input?

You can provide input one of three ways:

   1. Submit comments via e-mail: marssimworkgroup at epa.gov
   2. Submit comments via mail: MARSSIM Workgroup, c/o Kathryn Snead,
   Workgroup Chair, USEPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Mail Code 6608J,
   Washington, D.C. 20460
   3. Submit comments via a public meeting, currently planned for February
   10, 2011 in Conference Room 1117A, EPA East Building, 1201 Constitution
   Avenue, NW, Washington, DC.  Final date, time and location will be posted
   at the website: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/marssim/

Where can I get additional information?

Updates on the MARSSIM Revisions will be posted to the official MARSSIM
website: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/marssim/.  Feedback on the comments
received will be posted as part of the Federal Register Notice announcing
the availability of MARSSIM, Revision 2.
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