[ RadSafe ] How tough is it to build a dirty bomb?

Maury Siskel maurysis at peoplepc.com
Thu Feb 10 15:57:14 CST 2011

I share Doug's impressions (too hot to handle, too hot to build). 
Thought the dirty bomb notion was pretty thoroughly dispelled here and 
elsewhere a few years ago. In addition, I can empathize to a degree with 
suicide bombers. But it seems much more difficult to empathize with one 
willing to die of acute radiation exposure.

Doug Huffman wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>"Common sense" about a dirty bomb, here in America taking its science
>from public broadcasting by journalists?
>Radiation safety and health professionals might do some arithmetic
>involving an area, some energy levels, some concentrations, use those to
>pick some nuclides and calculate their masses and mass specific activity
>and know - as professionals - just what will be required to build a
>credible device.
>If it's too hot to handle (as in clean up) then it's too hot to handle
>to build.  I am not a professional but I have made a formally
>falsifiable assertion and it should be formally fa

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