[ RadSafe ] Fume hood face velocity specifications

Clayton J Bradt CJB01 at health.state.ny.us
Tue Jun 14 12:34:24 CDT 2011


I seem recall trying to find this out years ago and discovered that it is 
only  a recommendation.  ACGIH is not itself a regulatory agency, so 
anything from them is also a recommendation.  I think OSHA would only 
require best practice without specifying specific values.  Neither NRC nor 
the Agreement States to my knowledge specify face velocities. Their 
strategy is to set limits on dose and make the licensees explain how they 
will comply.   If you have a radioactive materials license, you should 
check to see whether or not you have committed to maintain face velocities 
within these limits.  If you have, it is a requirement whether it's in a 
regulation or not. 

>I am looking for information regarding where the requirements that a
>fume hood's face velocity be 80-120 FPM come from. Is this a regulation
>or best practice? I can only find a reference to this in an ANSI/AIHA

Thanks for your help,


>Jeff Kulp

Clayton J. Bradt
Principal Radiophysicist
NYS Dept. of Health
Biggs Laboratory, Room D486A
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12201-0509


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