[ RadSafe ] How many curies were involved in Hiroshima

franz.schoenhofer at chello.at franz.schoenhofer at chello.at
Thu Jun 23 06:53:28 CDT 2011


Today is for me "Chris Busby Day"!!!!

---- The easy way out is to discount any study that you dont agree with as not being credible.

This describes exactly what you do. 

> There really is no answer to that.
> Thats what UNSCEAR do, ignore any study that disagrees wth their position. But thats not science.

I am not always - or rather seldom - happy with UNSCEAR reports, because they seem to be inaccurate and much to much global, when the question is local doses. But why should they take into consideration any "study" made by local "activists" on very local (perceived) problemxs, made by incompetent persons like the Greenpeace "experts"?  , when they want to describe the world wide situation?

I do not comment your meta analysis, because I am not at all an expert in this field. But why do youi comment on all subjects you are far away from being an expert? 

I cannot judge Tondels study, but I know very well from my Swedish friends, that his study has been "torn apart", as we use to say in German. But the same has happened to the KiKK studies. In case you refer to the British study of leukemia around UK nuclear establishments, you ought to know, that they have been explained decades ago to other factors. 

Are you waiting for the Fukushima deaths to prove your queer ideas correct? Shame on you!!!!!


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