[ RadSafe ] Plain Text Please Re: hot particles

Jeff Terry terryj at iit.edu
Thu Jun 23 14:44:51 CDT 2011

Begin forwarded message:

> From: rdecker2 at ix.netcom.com
> Date: June 23, 2011 2:40:35 PM CDT
> To: radsafe at health.phys.iit.edu
> Subject: hot particles on vehicle air filters
> Reply-To: rdecker2 at ix.netcom.com
> A few individuals have suggested "radon gas" as the suspect "hot particles" I suggest daughter products from the "radon gas". The gas would simple pass through the vehicle air filter with minimal holdup. Many cars today use HEPA type filters employed with the vehicle air conditioner that would be another location for deposition of Radon daughter products however, the flow rate through the filter is likely lower than for the vehicle's air cleaner. They could also check intake filters for large buildings, etc. for the same. Gamma spectoscopy of the air cleaner would identify the gamma emitting radionuclides present and qualify the existance of Radon daughter products

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