[ RadSafe ] Japanese Reactors

WesVanPelt at verizon.net WesVanPelt at verizon.net
Fri Mar 11 16:34:56 CST 2011

Unit 1 is in serious trouble if you believe Kyodo News! See text below.
Control Room has radiation levels 1,000 times normal!! And radiation levels
are rising at the main gate of the plant.

Best regards,  Wes
Wesley R. Van Pelt, PhD, CIH, CHP 
Wesley R. Van Pelt Associates, Inc.  

-----Radioactive substances could already have leaked at the Fukushima No. 1
nuclear power plant after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake hit northern Japan, the
operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Saturday.

The amount of radiation reached around 1,000 times the normal level in the
control room of the No. 1 reactor of the plant, the Nuclear and Industrial
Safety Agency also said. The discovery suggests radioactive steam could
spread around the facility.

The agency also said radiation has been more than eight times the normal
level at a monitoring post near the main gate of the plant.

The authorities expanded the evacuation area for residents in the vicinity
of the plant from a 3-kilometer radius to 10 km on the orders of Prime
Minister Naoto Kan, who plans to visit the facility later Saturday.

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