[ RadSafe ] Radioactive tissue holders pulled from stores

Clayton J Bradt CJB01 at health.state.ny.us
Tue Jan 17 08:31:35 CST 2012

"The shipment originated in India with a port of entry at Newark, NJ and 
shipped via common carrier to its final destination in California."

 Two packages (4 tissue holders) set off the truck scale alarm in CA. 
The full shipment contained 220 tissue holders, though it is not known how 
many of these were contaminated. 
Doesn't the port of Newark have radiation monitors by now? I believe that 
Newark is within the much touted 
"Ring of Steel" surrounding metropolitan NYC and the 12 tissue boxes found 
in New York store shelves are 
also within this ring of radiation monitors or at least had to pass 
through it to get to the four store locations. 
If these tissue holders made it all the way to CA before anyone noticed, 
surely a well-shielded IND would pass 
through undetected. 

Clayton J. Bradt
Principal Radiophysicist
NYS Dept. of Health
Biggs Laboratory, Room D486A
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12201-0509


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