[ RadSafe ] Under-reporting at Fukushima?

Steven Dapra sjd at swcp.com
Sat Jul 21 11:17:56 CDT 2012

July 21

	According to this Reuters article (link below),

"workers at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant were urged by 
a subcontractor to place lead around radiation detection devices in 
order to stay under a safety threshold for exposure."

	The workers, it says, were told "to cover the devices called 
dosimeters when working in high-radiation areas."

	Assuming that a high radiation area is an area of gamma radiation, 
how much lead (ounces or pounds) would be necessary to make a barrier 
thick enough to make a significant difference in the amount of gamma 
that would pass through it?  Could one carry around this much lead on 
a lapel-mounted dosimeter?


Steven Dapra

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