[ RadSafe ] Brief note

CFRBUG cfrbug at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 14:21:30 CDT 2014

Maury pretty much sums up my sentiments. I changed jobs last year (one year
ago tomorrow, as it happens) and don't deal with Radioactive materials
nearly as much as I used to. However, I stay interested in the topic, and
who know what future jobs might be out there?

Anyway, several "Lists" I am members of have gradually gone mostly silent,
and when active, turned into snarkfests or argument clinics. RADSAFE has
been more immune to that trend. Using g-mail, I have noticed a lot more
RADSAFE posts going to the Spam folder, though.

I am not sure a Linked-In or other Social Network is the solution - I am
old enough to have resisted those to this point. It's kind of sad, the
Internet has "matured" enough to attract civil litigation, and that may do
as much or more to suppress speech as anything a government or ISP would

Bruce Bugg
cfrbug at gmail.com
(404)507-2237 [(404)507-2CFR]

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:24 AM, Maury <maurysis at peoplepc.com> wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> Just want to say thank you  (and to previous list hosts) for your years of
> work to sustain the radiation safety List.  I'm a retired scientist but not
> an HP, thus only a peripheral participant.  Even so I've consistently
> followed all message traffic and have learned from them over the years.
> I hope the List will live on, but can appreciate the effort required to
> keep it alive.  In any case, my sincere thanks for what you have been doing.

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