[ RadSafe ] Is the Japanese government finally giving up on resettling Fukushima¹s radioactive ghost town?

Perle, Sandy sperle at mirion.com
Sun Mar 16 13:15:52 CDT 2014

Or this:


On 3/16/14, 11:10 AM, "JPreisig at aol.com" <JPreisig at aol.com> wrote:

>S. Perle,
>      Post something on Health Physics,  Buddy.
>      Joe P.
>In a message dated 3/16/2014 2:05:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>sperle at mirion.com writes:
>There is  enough speculation on all news shows so why are we continuing
>this dialogue on  Radsafe? Does this have anything to do with Radsafe,
>remotely? Can we now  move on.
>Sandy Perle
>Sent from my iPhone

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