[ RadSafe ] New Gundersen Claim - Fukushima nuclear danger exceeds that of Chernobyl

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 02:58:15 CST 2015

Guess that it is time to stir up up the donation pot again so here is
Gundersen's latest thanks to Nuclear-News, all the anti-nuclear
propaganda that they can dig up.  Like the way he flags "Chief
Engineer at Fairewinds" when he appears to be the only engineer, not
the chief of many engineers who report to him or that Fairewinds is
just basically him and his wife and a few anti-nuke allies.

Roger Helbig

Fukushima nuclear danger exceeds that of Chernobyl

by Christina MacPherson

Gundersen: New data shows Fukushima exceeds Chernobyl... Plumes seen
emanating from both the Unit 3 fuel pool & reactor -- Nuke Engineer:
Broken fuel rods are above all 3 melted down reactors -- Gov't Experts:
Unit 3 explosion may have damaged spent fuel & released even more
radioactive material (VIDEO)

Arnie Gundersen, nuclear expert and chief engineer at Fairewinds, Jan
29, 2015 (emphasis added): Recent scientific studies from Japan show
that 75% of the radiation created by the meltdowns was released more
than 5 days after the catastrophe... This data... shows that the total
gaseous and liquid radioactive releases from the Fukushima Daiichi
meltdown exceedthe radiation released during and after the Chernobyl
meltdown -- while Fukushima Daiichi radioactivity continues to bleed
into the Pacific Ocean... I first spoke to the NRC's Advisory Committee
on Reactor Safeguards in 2010 to share my evidence-based calculations
showing that containments would likely leak significant amounts of
radioactivity during a nuclear power failure... [They] informed me that,
the nuclear industry and NRC simply assume that containments will
never leak during nuclear emergencies... Unfortunately, those 3
explosions at Fukushima Daiichi prove that containment systems really
do fail... How do we know?... First, you can see the violent explosions
and the detonation shock wave on TV and video. The secondpicture
though shows there are 2 distinct plumes exiting Unit 3 -- one plume
emanates from the spent fuel pool, but the other is directly over the
reactor vessel... Third, TEPCO itself has admitted that hot gases raging
at 250*F were released from the containment... No, it is not steam,
because steam only exists at 212*F under normal atmospheric pressure.

Idaho National Laboratory Site's Environmental Surveillance, Education
and Research Program -- Annual Site Environmental Report for 2011
(pdf): ... [3 of Fukushima Daiichi's] reactor cores overheated and
melted, releasing hydrogen gas and fission products into their reactor
containment structures... multiple hydrogen deflagrations occurred that
damaged the containment structures and allowed more radioactive
material to be released. It is possible that the large hydrogen
explosion in Unit 3 may have damaged stored spent fuel and caused the
release of additional radioactive material. The Fukushima reactor
accident in Japan resulted in the release and global dispersal of
radioactive contaminants. These contaminants were transported in air
across the Pacific Ocean to the United States...

Radio VR, Aug 23, 2014: Thomas Drolet, who is Chairman, CEO and
President at GreenWell Renewable Power Corporation [said] "As a
technician and nuclear reactor engineer I can say that they will
eventually succeed [at Fukushima Daiichi]"... The reactor itself is by
far "the most difficult issue," Mr, Drolet states. Each of the three
damaged reactors has two main areas ofbroken fuel: in the spent fuel
base, which is up high, and the reactor core. "Slowly and identically
they have to remove that fuel, some of it damaged, some of it whole"...

Watch the Fairewinds report here

Christina MacPherson | February 11, 2015 at 7:37 am | Categories:
Fukushima 2015 | URL: http://wp.me/phgse-iQM

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