[ RadSafe ] Company Looking for Some Ion Exchange Expertise

Peter Collopy chaosforthefuture at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 29 15:44:57 CDT 2015

I have an engineering buddy that works for a companyre-processing flowback water from the hydro-fracturing process in oil and gasproduction.

They are trying to remove the radium from thewater but want to do so in a way where they do not have ;large volumes ofsludge. I have already warned them of the potential for creating a fairlysignificant exposure rate by concentrating the radium to say nothing of disposal issues.

They still want to explore various ideas so I told him Iwould reach out to the radiological safety community and see if I could hookhim up with people who have lots of experience with chemical treatment systemsinvolving radiological contaminants. These guys know waste water and how to treatit but are a bit lacking in the rad end.

Right now they are treating with sulfate to remove the barium (and of course the radium comes with it) and have a crystallizer (super duper evaporator) as part of their treatment system. They'll produce about a 25 yd3 roll off of sludge every other day so they want to reduce the disposal cost by reducing the volume.

So if anyone on radsafe wants to pass a name and contact info byme I’ll see that he gets it.
Pete C

Peter Collopy, CIH, CHP, CSP 

Director, Entropy Control 

Chaos for the Future 

1777 Bristol Road

Bristol  ME  04539

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