[ RadSafe ] Anti-Nuke Propaganist on Potassium and Cesium

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 07:12:15 CDT 2015

Are any of you familar with Paul Langley who claims to expose the
fallacy of explaining radiation using the Potassium-40 in bananas?

Roger Helbig

New post on nuclear-news

Potassium and Cesium

by dunrenard

>From Paul Langley

Nukers are Bananas!!

So eat them up!!

A proof that cesium in any form is a toxin not a nutrient:

Nukers promoting contaminated food – the falsehoods of the Potassium excuse

I have blogged about this before. Attempts at selling contaminated
food in the market of people’s lives by nuclear advocates has to stop
in Japan and everywhere.

It will take me the weekend to finish this post as I gather the
historic and current sources which show the Potassium equivalent dose
(which the industry calls the banana equivalent dose) is a false,
incorrect, wrong and deceptive fallacy.

In the interim, this wiki article explains the fallacy in brief:

In brief: radio potassium (K40) is much a very small proportion of all
potassium. It is far less radioactive per unit weight (amount,
physical dose) than any biologically active fission product.

Potassium in any form is dangerous to the heart in excess, but
potassium is a needed nutrient.
The body maintains a potassium balance therefore. This danger to the
heart is a bio-chemical effect. The radiological nature of radio
cesium (a potassium analogue) poses an additional threat to the heart
and other soft tissue. The body maintains the appropriate its
potassium balance by excreting potassium. Eating potassium rich food
results in excretion of potassium, maintaining the body’s appropriate
potassium balance. Eating a banana in fact results in cytokine
release, and other biological responses. This is due to the chemical
composition of the banana which contain precursors which, according to
some people, are radio-protective.

On the other hand, cesium and strontium are not needed by the body in
any form. In fact, strontium mimics calcium even though its bio
chemistry is not exactly the same (analogue = similar to but not the
same as the original). There are about half a dozen different isotopes
of radio-strontium. The body is able to discriminate between strontium
and calcium at the gut wall and prefers calcium. If the dietary
calcium is adequate, the body is able to preferentially absorb calcium
over strontium in a ratio of about 4 : 1.

Once absorbed, strontium moves to bone and other places which have a
biological demand for calcium. In bone, strontium, which has a large
crystal structure than calcium, binds more loosely to bone than
calcium. It tends to deposit on the outside of bone structure.
(Pecher, 1942)

During pregnancy strontium moves from bone to fetus with the bulk of
movement occurring later in pregnancy.

During breast feeding, strontium moves from bone to breast tissue and
is excreted into the milk.(Erf and Pecher, 1940).

When uncontaminated orphaned baby mice were given to strontium
contaminated mother mice to suckle, the previously uncontaminated mice
“became more radioactive than the (surrogate) mothers” Pecher, 1941.

The potassium cycle in humans is no excuse for nuclear authorities
anywhere on the planet to claim any benefit or natural precedent for
the marketing of nuclear industry emissions contaminated food.

The fission products are not nutrients. Do not eat them. Nuclear
industry promises to keep its radioactive sources sealed. When nuclear
industry invariably fails in this undertaking, it turns around and
claims the residue of its pollution is like a banana.

Crap. The residue is like the residue of a rad weapon. Fact. Its the
same stuff. Terrorists do not attempt to arm themselves with bananas.
They are not dangerous.

Radio Strontium, Radio Iodine, Radio cesium have NO PLACE in food.
Nuke is not clean, it is not green and it relies on lies it has
concocted over decades. Despite the fact that nuclear industry has
been a beneficiary of fundamental research into these matters,
conducted at taxpayers expense, over many decades. It is as if nuclear
industry is blind to the actual findings of Projects Gabriel, Sunshine
and the Manhattan Project’s Health Division Findings even though these
things were participated in by private nuclear corporations at the

“Equilibrium Dose” – in a constantly radiologically contaminated
environment, the equilibrium dose of a given fission product is the
maximum amount of the substance which remains in the body as a result
of the uptake/excretion cycle. Risk increases as a function of time as
well as uptake. If the shit is quickly cleaned up, if the source of
emissions is stopped then risk is reduced. The reactors at Fukushima
continue to vent, previous deposition is washed down from the
mountains of Fukusihma Prefecture. (see previous post).

The equilibrium dose of the fission products are all dangerous.

Bio-accumulation is a fact which confounds official attempts at
“diluting” radio-contamination by spreading them around.

The more nuclear industry claims eating plutonium, strontium, cesium,
iodine and other fuel and fission products is ok because bananas exist
and because the potassium is a needed nutrient, the more I consider
them to be blatant liars.

The experience and reports of Livermore National Labs in its attempts
to remove radio cesium from food grown in the Bikini Atoll further
reveal the nuclear lie. The main means of reducing radio cesium from
food there involves the use of potassium fertilizer to displace cesium
in the crops. It is of some, but limited success. As less than 1% of
potassium is the radioactive isotopes of potassium and as the
radioactive isotopes of potassium are much less radioactive per unit
weight than radio cesium, there is an obvious radiological importance
in using potassium to displace cesium from food.
see https://marshallislands.llnl.gov/bikini.php If there is no benefit
in using potassium in an attempt to displace radio cesium from food in
the Bikini Atoll, why has the American taxpayer spent untold billions
attempting to do just that?

If nuclear industry tempts you with the idea that radio cesium is
nutrient, dont believe them. They are asking you to take on an
internal radio cesium dose in addition to your natural radio potassium
dose, to take on an addition radio strontium dose where one does not
exist in nature (no form of radio strontium exists in nature, there
are about 6 radio strontium fission isotopes), strontium is not a
nutrient and baby mice fed stable strontium instead of calcium die
(Pecher `1941), There is no natural radio iodine dose. Eating radio
Iodine damages the thyroid and consequently the rest of the endocrine
system. The endocrine system is needed by the body for many reasons,
including it’s important role in fighting the effects of radiation

There is no natural equilibrium doses of radio strontium, radio
cesium, or radio iodine. (and so on, I aint writing a book here). The
nuclear industry talks in absolutes to main its propaganda points.
Let’s test that.

If radio cesium is ok because, as they say, radio potassium (which
makes up 1% of the needed daily uptake of potassium), is in food, well
what would happen if all the potassium in the world’s diet was turned
to cesium? All mammalian life on the planet would die firstly because
CESIUM IS NOT A NUTRIENT and secondly all mammalian life would die due
to the radiation dose.

See Comar et al.

The whole of the history of nuclear has been dominated by the fact
that the biologically active fission products contaminate the food
supply after they enter the biosphere.

This fact has been known for a very long time. Realizing that nuclear
devices – in the first instance, bombs and reactors – emitted both
photon radiation – gamma and x rays, and particulate radiation –
alpha, beta and neutrons – the first job of the Health Division of the
Manhattan Project was to study the nature of the threats posed.
Workers located close into a reactor core were exposed to gamma, x and
neutron rays. These are very penetrating. They were also exposed to
the physical rods – or slugs as they were called then. The hazards of
extracting plutonium from fission uranium slugs included the
possibility of breathing in or ingesting etc plutonium and fission
product dust.

Hamilton was contracted to study the metabolism of the fission
products. He was contracted to find the “radiations” which were
“effective against the enemy”. He was contracted to find protective
methods for US troops and the US population should the enemy attack
the US with nuclear weapons. (The contract resulted from the aims
defined by the report “Metallurgical Project, A.H. Compton, Project
Leader, Health, Radiation
and Protection, R.S. Stone, M.D., Division Director, Health Division
Program, May 10, 1943”, document number 717325, Report CH-63255-A,
Originally Secret, pp. 2, gives the following additional very
significant Scope:
“4. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Radioactive Materials as a Military
Weapon. A) Defense -Tolerance of and protection of troops and
civilians’. B) Offense – Radiations needed to be effective.”)

In 1943, Hamilton reported to Stone, Groves and Oppenheimer and
reported that radio strontium obtained from reactor pile fuel rods
(slugs as they were then called) could be used as a weapon. The
proposal called for a bomb loaded with radio strontium, which was
“violently radioactive”, and packed with explosive. Such bombs,
Hamilton wrote, could be used to contaminate enemy food and water
supplies. (Source: Advisory
Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, ACHRE, Final Report, Chapter 11.
United States Department of Energy, 1995. Date of memos: 1943.)

Under the terms of his first contract, Hamilton regularly published
reports entitled ““Metabolism of the Fission Products, Progress Report
for Period Ending…” In the report for the Period Ending April 15 1944,
Hamilton reported the following: “The most effective means of reducing
the absorption of Sr* (any radio active isotope of strontium) from the
intestinal tract is the maintenance of an adequate or high calcium
intake. This may be accomplished by increased use of milk and dairy
products, by taking medicinal calcium regularly or by use of bread
fortified with calcium. The important factor is apparently the general
level of calcium intake rather than the amount present in the
intestinal tract at the

This finding was actually implied from data first published in the
Sr/Ca ratio studies data and conclusions by Charles Pecher, 1940.
(Source: Pecher, C. “Biological Investigations with Radioactive
Calcium and Strontium,
Preliminary Report on the Use of Radioactive Strontium in the Treatment of
Metastatic Bone Cancer”, Contributed from the Radiation Laboratory of the
University of California, Berkeley University of California Publications in
Pharmacology. Editor: C. D. Leake, G.A. Alles, T.C. Daniels, M.H.
Soley. Volume 2
No 11, pp. 117-150, plates 6-9, 3 figures in text. Submitted by
Editors July 21, 1942,
Issued October 23, 1942, University of California Press, Berkeley, Cambridge
University Press, London, England. Prefatory note by C.D. Leake,
editor.) pp 133.)

If Doctor Hamilton had been snatched from 1944 and had been
transported to NHK TV studios in March 2011
and forced to watch the Fukushima explode and as a result of
containment breach deposit portions of their
core contents over Japan and the hemisphere, he would have surely
said, “Yea, that’s pretty much what I mean. What are you doing to
protect the “friendlies”?”

Japanese authorities have not learnt the lessons of history. Nuclear
industry knows the full facts, and yet prefers to justify its nuclear
pollution on the grounds that bananas contain a lot of potassium (in
dietary terms) and have a proportion of radioactive potassium. How
much radioactive potassium is present naturally in all potassium and
which therefore is taken up by plants and animals and consumed by
humans? 0.0117%. The equilibrium dose in humans is constant, that is,
eating some dietary potassium does not result in a greater amount in
the body, for the body maintains an equilibrium of potassium and the
excess amount is excreted. However, in the long decades following a
reactor accident which results in proportions of core contents being
spewed out into the country side, the biologically active fission
products, including the isotopes of cesium (a potassium analogue)
enter the foodchain.

This is results in an additional burden to the radio potassium
normally present in food and the body. The presence of potassium in
the body is not a valid excuse for nuclear industry and its
shareholders to use in order to justify or minimise the consequences
of their actions – actions which resulted in the contamination of the
biosphere and foodchain.

Cesium is not a nutrient. Why eat it? TEPCO says so? What is TEPCO and
its apologists motivation?

The hazards of non radioactive, stable, normal, ordinary, natural, non
fission related cesium:

“In September 2009, after three such cases, the Canadian government
warned Canadian consumers against taking cesium chloride because of
the risk of potentially life-threatening heart arrhythmias. Patients
who experience irregular heartbeat or a decrease in consciousness
after taking cesium chloride should seek emergency medical treatment.
There may also be a risk of heart attack associated with cesium
chloride supplements.
Side Effects
Some other potential side effects of cesium chloride are seizures,
loss of consciousness and electrolyte imbalances, which is a
potentially dangerous condition in which the body’s chemistry is
disrupted. Consuming large amounts of cesium chloride may also cause
decreased appetite, nausea and diarrhea. Some researchers have
reported that their laboratory mice died after taking large doses of
cesium chloride, according to a 2004 report on cesium toxicity by the
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.” end quote, the
cesium chloride is the soluble form.

The hazards of radioactive cesium:


“Among the many fission product nuclides, cesium 137 deserves
attention because it possesses a unique combination of physical
properties and historical notoriety. It is readily produced in large
quantities during fission, has an intermediate half-life, decays by
high-energy pathways, and is chemically reactive and highly soluble.
These physical properties have made cesium 137 a dangerous legacy of
major nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl, but it has also caused
relatively small incidents as well….Fission of various isotopes of
thorium, uranium, and plutonium all yield about 6% cesium-137. [1]
This high fission yield results in an abundance of cesium-137 in spent
nuclear fuel, as well as in regions contaminated by fission byproducts
after nuclear accidents. [2] The large quantities of cesium-137
produced during fission events pose a persistent hazard. Its half-life
of about 30 years is long enough that objects and regions contaminated
by cesium-137 remain dangerous to humans for a generation or more, but
it is short enough to ensure that even relatively small quantities of
cesium-137 release dangerous doses of radiation (its specific
radioactivity is 3.2 × 10^12 Bq/g (10 to the 12th power)). [2-4]

What is the rate of radioactivity of potassium 40, the isotope which
makes up 0.012% of all potassium, both environmentally and in food?
How much less that cesium 137?

Argonne National Laboratory, rate of radioactivity of Potassium isotopes:

Potassium 40 (K40) Half life : 1.3 billion years. Natural abundance:
0.012% of all potassium is K40.
Radioactivity in Curies: 0.0000071 curies (per gram). Type of
radiation emitted: Beta (energy 0.52 MEV), gamma energy 0.16 MeV).

Argonne National Laboratory: Rate of radioactivity of the radioactive
cesium isotopes:
Quote “There are 11 major radioactive isotopes of cesium. (Isotopes
are different forms of an element that have the same number of protons
in the nucleus but a different number of neutrons.) Only three have
half-lives long
enough to warrant concern: cesium-134, cesium-135 and cesium-137. Each
of these decays by emitting a
beta particle, and their half-lives range from about 2 to 2 million
years. The half-lives of the other cesium isotopes are less than two
weeks. Of these three, the isotope of most concern for Department of
Energy (DOE)
environmental management sites and other areas is cesium-137 which has
a half- life of 30 years. Its decay product, barium-137m (the “m”
means metastable) stabilizes itself by emitting an energetic gamma ray
a half-life of about 2.6 minutes. It is this decay product that makes
cesium an external hazard (that is, a hazard without being taken into
the body).isotope of most concern for Department of Energy (DOE)
environmental management sites and other areas is cesium-137 which has
a half- life of 30 years. Its decay
product, barium-137m (the “m” means metastable) stabilizes itself by
emitting an energetic gamma ray with
a half-life of about 2.6 minutes. It is this decay product that makes
cesium an external hazard (that is, a
hazard without being taken into the body). Cesium-135 and cesium-134
are typically of less concern because of their radiological decay
characteristics. The very long half-life of cesium-135 means it has a
very low specific activity, and the slow decay rate combined with its
low decay energy contribute to its low hazard. Cesium-134 has a
half-life of 2.1 years and decays by emitting a beta particle. The
relatively small amount of cesium-134 produced more than 20 years ago
would essentially all be gone today due to radioactive decay.

Where Does It Come From? Cesium is naturally present as the isotope
133 (stable) in various ores and to a lesser extent in soil. The three
radioactive cesium isotopes identified above are produced by nuclear
fission. When an atom of uranium-235 (or other fissile nuclide)
fissions, it generally splits asymmetrically into two large fragments
– fission products with mass numbers in the range of about 90 and 140
– and two or three
neutrons. (The mass number is the sum of the number of protons and
neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.)
Cesium radionuclides are such fission products, with cesium-135 and
cesium-137 being produced with
relatively high yields of about 7% and 6%, respectively. That is,
about 7 atoms of cesium-135 and 6 atoms
of cesium-137 are produced per 100 fissions. Cesium-137 is a major
radionuclide in spent nuclear fuel, high-
level radioactive wastes resulting from the processing of spent
nuclear fuel, and radioactive wastes associated
with the operation of nuclear reactors and fuel reprocessing plants.

Isotope: Cs-134 half life: 2.1 yr radioactivity in curies 1,300 (per
gram) Beta (energy 0.16MeV), gamma (energy 1.6 MeV).
Isotope: Cs-135 half life: 2.3 million yr radioactivity in Curies
0.0012 (per gram) Beta (energy 0.067 MeV)
Isotope: Cs-137 half life: 30 years radioactivity in Curies: 88 (per
gram) Beta (energy 0.19MeV)
Ba-137m (95%) Half life: 2.6 min radioactivity in Curies: 540 million
(per gram) IT Beta (energy 0.065) gamma (energy 0.60 MeV)
IT = isomeric transition, Ci = curie, g = gram, and MeV = million electron
volts; a dash indicates that the entry is not applicable. (See the
companion fact
sheet on Radioactive Properties, Internal Distribution, and Risk
Coefficients for
an explanation of terms and interpretation of radiation energies.) Certain
properties of barium-137m are included here because this radionuclide
accompanies the cesium decays. Values are given to two significant figures

Direct comparison of the K40 and Cs137 data:

Potassium 40 (K40) Half life : 1.3 billion years. Natural abundance:
0.012% of all potassium is K40.
Radioactivity in Curies: 0.0000071 curies (per gram). Type of
radiation emitted: Beta (energy 0.52 MEV), gamma energy 0.16 MeV).

Isotope: Cs-137 half life: 30 years, natural abundance: zero. (fission
product) radioactivity in Curies: 88 (per gram) Beta (energy 0.19MeV)

As potassium and cesium end up in the same tissues, the radiation
energy absorbed by those tissues from both Cs** and K40 must be ADDED

Is Cesium in any form needed for life? No
Is potassium needed for life? Yes

Can cesium substitute for potassium in the body ? No. It is merely an
analogue (this means it is similar but not exactly the same as
potassium. (If it was exactly the same, it would be called potassium,
but it isnt. Cesium is not potassium. It cannot do the same job as
potassium, although it “tricks” the body into reacting to it as if it
were potassium, hence it goes to the same tissues as potassium does.
Thus those tissues now have the two burdens: that of the radioactivity
burden of potassium k40 plus the burden of Cs137, 134 etc.

What’s a curie a measure of ?

“The Curie (symbol Ci) is a non-SI unit of radioactivity, named after
Marie and Pierre Curie. It is defined as
1 Curie = 3.7 × 10^10 (10 to the 10th power) decays per second.
The SI derived unit of radioactivity is the becquerel (Bq), which
equates to one decay per second. Therefore:
1 Ci = 3.7 × 10^10 Bq = 37 GBq
1 Bq ≅ 2.703 × 10^−11 Ci
Another commonly used measure of radioactivity is the microcurie:
1 μCi = 3.7 × 10^4 disintegrations per second = 2.22 × 10^6
disintegrations per minute”

It is the mode of decay which determines whether for each decay a
track of gamma, beta or alpha is produced. In the case of cesium and
potassium, decay is by beta and gamma.

State again, Potassium 40 (K40) has a radioactivity of 0.0000071
curies (per gram)
Cesium 137 has a radioactivity of 88 curies per gram.

Yet nuclear industry justifies the safety of its pollution and alleges
the presence of its pollution in food on the basis of the fact that
naturally occurring isotope of potassium (K40) is present in bananas,
when compared to Cesium 137, this K40, which makes up 0.012% of the
potassium in food (and everything other source of potassium) is barely
radioactive at all!!!!

100 percent of the radio cesium in food is radioactive. It is not a
substitute for potassium. It is not a nutrient, and governments warn
against the consumption of stable, naturally occurring cesium on the
basis of its toxic effects. The radioactive fission cesiums have the
same chemical toxicity as well as being many many many more time
radioactive than potassium 40. The nutrient nuclear industry allege
justifies the presence of its pollutant, radio cesium, in food.

On top of this, nuclear industry claims that radiation exposure from
its pollution conveys a benefit. How many of the radiation tracks
produced by cesium 137 in this example are beneficial? What makes the
allegedly “good” radiation tracks any different from the “bad” ones?
Ionisation of tissue by any given track of radiation can produce
thousands of different outcomes. The case for benefit from multiple
explosions and core breaches is, to say the least, unproven, and in my
opinion, patently in error.

People have recently said to me that I should have discussed this
matter earlier, I have.

This blog actually focussed on Radio Strontium in fair detail and over
a large amount of time.

In my view, the biochemistry of strontium 89 is most interesting due
to its fission creation abundance, its nature as a calsium analogue,
and its very great rate of radioactivity. 1 gram of strontium has a
radioactivity of 27,800 curies. That is a huge number of high energy
(specific to Sr89) beta.

The rate of radioactivity of deadly radium is 1 (one) curie per gram.

The assurances of safety which rest upon the fallacy of the banana
dose are like those assurances issued by Groves to the plutonium
workers. It took until 1990s for the US government to admit those
assurances were false.

How much radio cesium of any isotope or radio strontium of any isotope
would you choose to eat?

There is no choice about potassium. It is needed for life.

How far down the road toward a command economy and a controlled market
does nuclear industry want the Western nations to travel when it
dictates to us that we must eat the foods it contaminates with the
fission substance it claims to be “like vitamins” (Sykes)?

Taking the huge curie rate of a gram of strontium 89 as an example,
what fraction of a gram is a safe amount to have in my tissue? Can
anyone tell me? Give me an answer and I won’t believe you.

Ditto for the rest. So, even though radio cesium may be the main
hazard, it is not the only one. For a mere slither, a fraction of
gram, of it is still dangerous to my tissue.

And in terms of imposition, it is risk, not benefit, which is imparted
by contaminated food. No matter how much bananas mathematics has been
performed in the government regulatory offices which adjoined the
corridors of TEPCO’s HQ.

“33 out of 40 rats injected with Sr89Cl developed bone cancer within a
nine month window” Source: General Electric, datasheet for Metastron,
Strontium 89 Chloride, the injectable form. (from:

Metastron Prescribing Information
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – Quick View

The relevant quote is :

“Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
Data from a repetitive dose animal study suggests that
Strontium-89 Chloride is a potential carcinogen. Thirty-three of
40 rats injected with Strontium-89 Chloride in ten consecutive
monthly doses of either 250 or 350 μCi/kg developed
malignant bone tumors after a latency period of approximately
9 months. No neoplasia was observed in the control animals.
Treatment with Strontium-89 Chloride should be restricted to
patients with well documented metastatic bone disease.
Adequate studies with Strontium-89 Chloride have not been
performed to evaluate mutagenic potential or effects on fertility.
Pregnancy: Teratogenic effects.
Pregnancy Category D. See Warnings section.”) . They say “no much Sr89
has been emitted from the TEPCO reactors.” It does not take much. A
slither of a speck to create a major hazard. It is chance as to who
takes it in. Random chance. A hazard to an unknown individual might be
a hazard to everyone. It is only significant to the individual who
actually ingests it. It does not have to be a “significant amount”.)

I point out the potent carcinogenic and mutagenic nature of Sr89 was
established by Pecher in the 1940s. And this knowledged was

The curie figure is directly related to the number of radiation tracks
which pass through tissue in an internalised radioactive substance. 1
curie produces 3.7 × 10^10 such radiation tracks per second.

As Linus Pauling would say, that’s some little machine gun. In my
opinion only an idiot would choose to eat nuclear emissions
incorporated with their food and drink. Cesium is not a banana, it is
nuclear pollution.

This fact has been since 1942. Hamilton saw it as a weapon of value if
the atomic bomb didn’t work. E.O. Lawrence proposed it as such to the
S1 committee as a result. Nuclear industry is not in the food additive
business and cannot claim any benefit at all to its effluent. The
converse is true. Noone should be forced or induced to eat its tainted
food and water.


“The curie is the unit of radioactivity. It is defined as the quantity
of radioactive material in which 37,000,000,000 atomic nuclei
disintegrate each second. One gram of radium has the activity of one
curie….in the discussion of fallout we shall make use of the
“strontium unit” and the “cesium unit” The “Strontium Unit” is a
measure of the amount of radioactive strontium in human bone or milk
or other material containing calcium. One strontium unit is one
micro-microcurie of strontium 90 per gram of calcium. One cesium unit
is one micro-microcurie of cesium 137 per gram of potassium.” (Source:
“No More War”, Linus Pauling, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1958, ISBN
0-396-08157-6, pp 45-46.

Clearly, nuclear authorities know and have long known that radio
cesium in food does not replace the dose from K40, but adds to it. And
that a small amount of radio cesium is much more radioactive than a
larger amount of K40. The “Cesium Unit” and “Strontium Unit” enabled
nuclear authorities to compare one piece of secretly obtained human
bone tissue to another to see which was the more contaminated. The
secret survey was conducted world wide. The prized bones were those of
still born babies. This legacy will no doubt be repeated in years to
come and fudged data will be presented to show the amounts of
Fukushima core material resident in human tissue. The results will be
presented with the claim that such amounts are “harmless”. Nuclear
veterans and civilians have long disagreed with such past assurances
and will surely disagree with future ones too. For example:

Source: AWTSC (Atomic Weapons Test Safety Committe) Report Number 5,
Strontium 90 and Caesium 137
in the Australian Environment during 1969 with some results for 1970”.

The above results were obtained by the government theft of human
tissue from the bodies of deceased Australians from public hospitals.
No kin permission was ever sought. Pathologists around Australia
received secret payments from the Federal government. The bone samples
were taken firstly to Columbia University, USA for analysis, then the
UK, and finally analysis was conducted in Australia. (Source:
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency Report
“AUSTRALIAN STRONTIUM 90 TESTINGPROGRAM 1957-1978”, 2001.) The program
was commenced at the behest of the United States and its Atomic Energy
Commission. Dr Libby had pondered the legality of such tissue theft,
and found willing partners in the Australian authorities. In 2001 the
press again revealed the situation (it had been revealed by nuclear
veterans years earlier). As a result in 2001 Minister for Health and
Aged Care, Dr Michael Wooldridge, admitted that nuclear pollution from
weapons testing had “harmed people”. (Source: Media Release, Dr
Michael Wooldridge, Minister for Health and Aged Care, MW82/01, 5
September 2001). Today, in the wake of the Fukushima, the Japanese
government has stated that the nuclear emissions from nuclear weapons
testing was safe. It was not and is not. It adds to the emissions from
the broken reactors.

No doubt the Japanese government will be interested in studying the
human tissue methods by Columbia University, UK’s HASL and the
Australian Government in the era of global human tissue radiological
contamination survey known as Project Sunshine. I would hope that
Japan, rather than conducting its Fukushima contamination of human
tissue survey over the next 50 years in secret using slush funds for
pathologists, consider earnestly doing it in the open. Not the Sr90
contamination for still born babies (age 0). How did the Sr90 get into
the babies’ bones? Via the mothers’ soft tissue and across the
placenta, into the fetus. Radio Strontium only goes only to bones in
males. How did it get in the bones of babies who had only breast fed?
Via the mothers’ milk. The mothers’ soft tissue is subject to
mobilized radio isotopes during pregnancy and nursing.

This has been long known:

See also : The transfer of calcium and strontium across biological
membranes. 1963 pp. xvii+443 pp.
WASHERMAN, R. H.Editor WASHERMAN, R. H. Papers given at a conference
on Ca and Sr at Cornell in May 1962 are presented in sections on the
fundamentals of ion transfer across membranes, physiological aspects
of intestinal absorption, nutritional considerations of intestinal
absorption, vitamin D and the intestinal absorption of Ca and Sr,
other factors influencing the absorption of Ca and Sr, considerations
of Sr metabolism, and transfer of Ca and Sr across kidney, mammary
gland, nerve and muscle. The papers include “Phosphopeptldes: chemical
properties and their possible role in the intestinal absorption of
metals”, by O. MELLANDER (pp. 265-76); “Lactose and the absorption of
Ca and Sr”, by Y. DUPUIS & P. FOURNIER (pp. 277-93); “Studies on the
movement of Ca and Sr across the bovine mammary gland”, by A. R.
TWARDOCK (pp. 327-39); and “Ca-vitamin Z)-parathyroid
interrelationships in lactating rats”, by S. U. TOVERUD (pp. 341-58).

They knew and continue to know. This salient conference, held
immediately prior to the cessation of atmospheric nuclear weapons
testing, clearly identifies the sound reasons for the imposition of
the limited test ban treaty. It also explains why any radiological
release should be banned.

Let us be very clear. The reason for the presence of fission products
in human tissue in the examples given above is because the fission
products had contaminated the food supply. As much as Japanese
authorities might seek to dilute these by burning, the facts of the
biology of life are that all creatures concentrate the fission
products in their tissue. Bio Accumulation will occur despite attempts
at dilution. As a result of attempts of dilution, more and more people
will be forced to become bio-accumulators of TEPCO’s and the Japanese
Government’s emitted fission products. There is no safe disposal
method for nuclear pollution.

Consequences in Japan? I have no idea of how many people will be
adversely affected by their internal doses. But I sure as hell do not
believe any authority of government such as the one who front in March
2011 in Japan to claim that plutonium was safe for children to eat and
that only unhappy or mentally weak people get sick from radiation
contamination. What an insult to every Australian nuclear veteran and
every nuclear around the world and in Japan!!!


Can Med Assoc J. 1963 January 19; 88(3): 136–139.
PMCID: PMC1921007

Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 Levels in Breast Milk and in
Mineral-Supplement Preparations

Anita A. Jarvis, John R. Brown, and Bella Tiefenbach
Copyright and License information ►

Strontium-90, strontium-89 and S.U. values were determined in human
milk before and after the resumption of atmospheric nuclear testings
in 1961, and the levels were compared to cows’ milk values reported
during the same time. S.U.90 levels in human milk were approximately
one-fifth of those found in cows’ milk. Assuming an average dietary
intake of 11-13 S.U.90 during the period tested, the mean
strontium/calcium ratio of 1.78 found in human milk represents an
Observed Ratio milk-diet of approximately 0.14-0.16. Although
strontium-89 was present in cows’ milk already in September 1961, it
did not appear in human milk until November 1961. It seems, therefore,
that there was a two-month lag period between the appearance of fresh
fallout in cows’ milk and human milk. Calcium-supplement mineral
preparations used by pregnant and lactating women were tested to find
their strontium-89, strontium-90 and S.U. levels, because strontium
isotopes, if present in these products, will be transferred to the
fetus and to breast-fed infants. The compounds tested had S.U.90
levels of 0.13-2.62; in none of the preparations was Sr89 present. end

FDA rules state that the administration of Strontium 89 to healthy
people is illegal at any dose. Full Stop. And actually, as cesium in
any form is a toxin, a toxin warned of by governments prior to 3/11,
one has to ask, why the change in tack since the nuclear reactors
“went normal” in Japan?

A testiment to the power of the Nuclear Slum.

dunrenard | September 16, 2015 at 2:37 am | Tags: Cesium, Potassium |
Categories: Nuclear | URL: http://wp.me/phgse-kAl


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