[ RadSafe ] Wikipedia Page that Could Stand Further Edits

Roger Helbig rwhelbig at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 03:34:15 CDT 2018

- I went here because I was certain that employees died due to hydrogen
explosions and I was trying to narrow down my source.  I first came across
the words "spewing radiation" and then further down found this, which is
why I am posting this here.

Roger Helbig

This seems to give more credit to Ernest Sternglass than he merits and
there may be need to edit the page on Sternglass as well.

Finally, there has been a widely critiqued paper published by members of
the controversial Radiation and Public Health Project
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_and_Public_Health_Project> which
attempts to ascribe the natural annual cycle of rising and falling adult and
 infant mortality <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_mortality> rates in
the United States <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States> to
Fukushima fallout, suggesting about 14,000 have died.[72]
 Those who have responded to this paper in the literature have noted a
number of errors, among them that this figure was based on an assumption of
acute deaths from low radiation doses. There is no known mechanism for
this, and "the cities under study with the lowest radiation fallout have
the highest increases of death rates in the 14 weeks following Fukushima,
while the Californian cities that would have received larger doses saw a
decrease in death rate growth" and concluded that "innumerable factors
other than radiation" were likely responsible for the major part of the
variation in US mortality around the time of the nuclear disaster.[73]

The author of the initial paper which attempts to draw a link between
infant mortality in the US and the Fukushima accident, Joseph Mangano and
his colleague Ernest J. Sternglass
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_J._Sternglass>, both of the Radiation
and Public Health Project
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_and_Public_Health_Project>, were
also active publishing work attempting to draw a causality
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causality> between infant death rates in
Pennsylvania <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania> due to the Three
Mile Island accident
in 1979,[74]
 but likewise, these earlier papers conclusions have failed to be
corroborated by any other peer reviewed paper or follow up epidemiology
study, with Sternglass's paper being widely critiqued.[76]
 In their final 1981 report, the Pennsylvania Department of Health,
examining death rates within the 10-mile area around TMI for the 6 months
after the accident, said that the TMI-2 accident did not cause local deaths
of infants or fetuses.[77]

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