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Em Response
Fellow RadSafers :
I'm looking for information on time, money and manpower spent each year on
US training for nuclear emergency preparedness/response. I'd like to present
a broad overview of the US training experience (particularly the military
and the DoD) in the past 5 or so years.
I've looked on the FEMA, NRC websites and at several DoD Directives
(3150.8,5100.2,5134.8). These give good summaries of how our responses are
organized, but nothing really on the extent of the preparedness efforts
spent at the Federal, state and Local levels.
Any info provided would be much appreciated, I'm familiar with em response
at the user level, it's the big picture that's stumping me !
Please respond to Gerard.Vavrina@lnd.amedd.army.mil
Thanks !
Chief, Health Physics Division, LRMC
Health Physics Consultant, ERMC
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
CMR 402
APO, AE 09180
Tel: (+49 6371 86) 7978
Fax: ( ) 8403
DSN Prefix: (486)
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