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Radiation Damage to Optical Crytals


A client of mine here in Bozeman has asked me for information regarding the 
radiation effects (darkening/degradation) on optical crystals (ranging from 
BK7 and fused silica to lithium niobate and Nd-YAG).  I am proceeding with 
the obligatory web searches, but was wondering if some of the experts out 
there could help shorten that activity by providing me with a few detailed 

Any help will be appreciated.


-Erick Lindstrom

Erick Lindstrom
Radiation Safety Officer
Montana State University
1160 Research Drive
Bozeman, MT  59718-6856
Voice: (406) 582-5477
Fax:    (406) 586-2478
e-mail: avrel@montana.edu

On Campus Communications:

P.O. Box 170510
Bozeman, MT  59715-0510

Voice: Ext. 2108 
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