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proposed mixed waste rule

Hey everyone,

Please try to comment on EPA's proposed Mixed Waste rule. Comments are due by
this Thursday, February 17th, and may be submitted electronically. For more
information, see http://www.epa.gov/radiation/mixed-waste/mw_rule.htm

Many generators don't realize that it is illegal to hold radioactive hazardous
waste for decay-in-storage for more than 90 days. Even if you have an EPA
storage permit, you may not hold this waste for more than one year. This
restriction affects you, for example, if you generate any quantity of ignitable
solvents containing short half-life radionuclides. For some generators, this
affects some of their labware contaminated with short half-life radionuclides
becasue it fails EPA's TCLP test.

This landmark proposal by EPA would allow decay-in-storage of short half-life
mixed waste until it has met the requirements of your NRC license for
decay-in-storage and may be disposed of as non-radioactive waste. There are
other important, positive changes in the proposed rule.

You support is important to make this proposal a reality. This change has been
advocated for many years by the National Research Council and the American
Chemical Society. We finally found people at EPA who would take the time to
propose a rule change. They deserve your encouragement. 

I hope to post our draft comment in a day or two. Please contact me if you have
any comments or questions.

    -- Pete Reinhardt, Assistant Safety Director, University of

peter.reinhardt@mail.admin.wisc.edu university of wisconsin-madison safety
department 30 north murray street madison wisconsin 53715-2609
www.wisc.edu/safety 608 262 9735 fax 608 262 6767

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