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Re: Brain tumors after scalp irradiation

The paper from Baruch Modan's group showing increased 
incidence of meningioma in persons whose scalps were 
irradiated during childhood for tinea capitis (ringworm) is 
no surprise.  Modan and associates have published many 
papers showing increases in various cancers in this group, 
beginning in 1974.  Some of the pertinent papers:
Lancet 1:277, 1974 - first report
Radiology 123:741, 1977 - thyroid tumors, thyroid dose < 10 
rad (Pertinent to LNT controversy?)
Am J Epidemiol 116:149, 1982 - decreased mental function
New Engl J Med 319:1033, 1988 - various brain tumors, 
benign and malignant
Lancet 1:629, 1989 - breast (!)
Radiat Res 125:318, 1991 - skin
Laryngoscope 108:1095, 1998 - salivary glands

In addition Susan Preston-Martin and associates found an 
association between diagnostic radiation and meningioma, 
published Cancer Res 49:6137, 1989.

A Medline search for Baruch Modan's publications will find 
many more.
S. Julian Gibbs, DDS, PhD               Voice: 615-322-3190
Professor of Radiology                    FAX: 615-322-3764 
Dept. of Radiology & Radiological Sciences
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville TN 37232-2670        Email:j.gibbs@vanderbilt.edu
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