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Re: Do We Want or Need Tougher Regulation?

Further to my comments on the need (or absence of need) for tougher
regs, I have just completed my latest letter to the AECB commenting on
their proposed new regs, and would be happy to email a copy to anyone
who would be interested.


Chris Davey

Chris Davey wrote:
> I believe the members of RadSafe might be interested in the situation here
> in Canada.
> The current regulations (under the Atomic Energy Control Board) have
> resulted in a very safe Canada, from a radioactive perspective.  There
> is no real problem, and the AECB has admitted this in writing.
> My solution (which I have already suggested to the AECB, and had
> rejected!) is to dump the new regulations and continue as we are.
> If such a thing were to happen, and Canada turned away from the
> implementation of ICRP 60, it would certainly be an object lesson for
> the world...
> The AECB web site is:
> http://www.aecb-ccea.gc.ca/menu_e.htm
> You can find the proposed regulations, the Response document, and lots
> of other relevant documents there.
> Regards,
> Chris Davey

RSO / LSO Cross Cancer Institute 11560 University Avenue
Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 1Z2
(780) 432-8616 fax 432-8615
email: cdavey@med.phys.ualberta.ca     chris.davey@cancerboard.ab.ca
pager number 005, just call (780) 432-8771 and ask for that pager
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