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[Fwd: Junkscience.com Bulletin: Federal Court trashes EPA drinking water rule]
I'm only a retired bystander, but I hope that Bernie Cohen and many others
of you will find the court action cited below to be an extremely
heartwarming, deeply satisfying decision. I hope EPA appeals this decision
to the Supreme Court and is again thoroughly squashed. I don't do a very
good job, but by golly I am slow. Science on the other hand always
ultimately does a magnificent job even though it too is often a slow
process. Best wishes and kudos to all of you who recognize the differences
between Science and the crap that is often promulgated by those who somehow
have strayed from their education and training.
Sincerely, Maury Siskel maury@webtexas.com
"Junkscience.com" wrote:
> - www.junkscience.com
> New at Junkscience.com, http://www.junkscience.com
> DC Court of Appeals Trashes EPA Rule on Chloroform in Drinking Water
> The EPA's rule on chloroform in drinking water was vacated today by the
> U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
> The Court said the EPA's failure to reject the linear no threshold model
> of carcinogenesis for chlorine was arbitrary and capricious.
> This is a monstrous blow to the EPA.
> The full court decision is at Junkscience.com
> Steve Milloy
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