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Re: Food irradiation---do seeds sprout? Did that denature the

The only direct marketing test of irradiated foor involved a grocer near
Chicago IL.  He sold both artificially irradiated and organically irradiated
strawberries in his store.  He priced them the same, displayed them side by
side and put up large signs indicating which were irradiated and which were
not irradiated.  He was unable to maintain his supply of irradiated
strawberries high enough to meet his customer demand.

People who do not want to eat artificially irradiated food should not.  It
is unlikely that the entire food supply would be artifically irradiated.  It
is impossible that all exposure to harmful organisms could be stopped by the
use of radiation on food.

Don Kosloff dkosloff@ncweb.com
2910 Main St Perry OH, 44081
----- Original Message -----
From: <Magnu96196@aol.com>
To: Multiple recipients of list <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2000 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: Food irradiation---do seeds sprout? Did that denature the

> Good Evening Mr. Fry,
>     In expressing an opinion, I don't believe I claimed any special
> superpowers, however, if you wish to think so, be my guest.    It is also
> real common to see opinion ventured on the list, and I have no idea of how
> superior some are, I just look for the common sense.
>     I have tried various spices, which have been allowed to be irradiated
> some time.   I can say that when I go to the local health food store that
> they do sell spices that do have little labels that specifically
> say---non-irradiated organic.    And, in fact and contrary to you
> overstatement, I have tried both and the non-irradiated ones are more
> flavor-full.   Now that is just my opinion---------you may like the
> other----which is fine-----to each his own.    This is no way means I am
> organic or holistic food promoter---however-----I am listening to what
> folks say ---- and looking for the reasons behind it.
>    I have also tried a few other irradiated foods and even experimented on
> what all the rage is about organic grown foods vs those with fertilizers
> pesticides----and again, my opionion, is that the organics have more
>   And they also have lots less unwanted chemicals------from a few toxic
> metals to some fluorine and chlorine pesticides-----which are connected to
> health effects.   Now certainly you don't want me to litter the list with
> few dozen references about that----to boring.       These  opionions are
> obvious as just being my observations.    Now certainly, we don't want to
> into colledge degrees for taste testing.
>    Another thing that is noticed is the health food types like to eat
> sprouted seeds and grains, because they think this more beneficial, as the
> vitimin content is seen to rise, acidity change, etc.   One problem with
> irradiated seeds is they won't sprout, which would tend to say the
> effect killed them.   Logic used there.   This is one more obvious
> of a food being harmed by this technique.
>     While you may be all for irradiation, there is an entire group of
> not so convinced as you that irradiation is all good.     My vote is still
> out-----did you hear me totally put down irradiation-------don't think
> so-----however I did raise some questions.   Irradiation does kill
> and all kinds of little unwanted organisms in food.  BUT-- What happens if
> country becomes depended on this technique, how does one go to a third
> country and eat.    The question, from logic again, then must arise ----
> the widespead use of this hide immune system compromise caused by bad air,
> all kinds of things in the water and food.    How in the world did the
> race survive all this time without irradiation?   Will we need a personal
> irradiator to travel outside the US to insure we don't get sick from
> bugs in food?   Is there a thing called the immune system and does it
> us from disease-------and can it be compromized by toxic pollution?
> irradiation mask this effect in the society---------and if it
> does------------will that be all good?

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