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Re: California department of rad Protection?

I looked through the MARSSIM manual and did note the following fr*m page
3-22 (Professional Judgement):

"The process of recruiting professionals should be documented and as
unbiased as possible. The credentials of the selected individual or
individuals enhance the credibility of the elicitation, and the ability to
communicate their reasoning is a primary determinant of the quality of the
results. Qualified professionals can be identified by different sources,
including the planning team, professional organizations, government
agencies, universities, consulting firms, and public interest groups. The
selection criteria for the professionals should include potential conflict
of interest (economic or personal), evidence of expertise in a required
topic, objectiveness, and availability."

As far as instrumentation, I found the one of the supporting documents very

NUREG-1507 Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey
Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions

Hope this helps...


Opinions expressed are mine and do not reflect official policies or
positions of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

                    mark sasser                                                                 
                    <duke99301@yahoo.c        To:     Multiple recipients of list               
                    om>                       <radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu>                    
                    Sent by:                  cc:                                               
                    radsafe@romulus.eh        Subject:     California department of rad         
                    s.uiuc.edu                Protection?                                       
                    04/03/00 09:56 AM                                                           
                    Please respond to                                                           

Would Anyone have a phone#or adress?that I could write
someone about survey technques?  For a Marrisom free
release of a bldg.is there any standard that calls for
ANSI 3.1 SRHPs to do the surveys or can it be done by
other means?
thanks Mark Sasser RSO/RPM
I am trying to adress some procedures at work.

mark sasser
at duke99301@yahoo.com
you can also reach me at duke9930@concentric.net

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The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html