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Re: "The Anti-Nuclear Game", anti-anti's

Dear Andy and all:

One of my favorite quotes is from President Clinton, reported in the Oak 
Ridger eight years ago:

    "Workers who come forward with reports of violations of the law should be 
protected.  .... The worker needs to have an assurance that somewhere in the 
federal government is an office that will act effectively to protect the 
worker.  Swift action ... to ensure that reprisals will not be tolerated will 
send a clear message on this issue..... I will send a very clear message to 
senior officials throughout the federal government.... employees must feel  
comfortable in sharing their concerns with their own [employer].  We must 
view these internal criticisms as something to learn from and to gain from, 
not as attacks that must be quashed.....  Whether it concerns the safety of 
drugs or food, the dangers of hazardous waste at a certain site, or which 
particular projects most deserve[] federal funds, we are better served as a 
nation if dissenting views are given a full and fair hearing.  Credible 
positions by scientists should be able to withstand dissenting views of other 

March 18, 1992 letter from Bill Clinton to Messrs. Louis Clark and Jeff 
DeBonis regarding "Protecting Integrity and Ethics" Conference and protection 
of federal employee whistleblowers, quoted in Paul Sloca, "Whistleblowers 
should have attentive ear in White House," The Oak Ridger, December 2, 1992 
at 1.

Ethical Oak Ridge workers are still waiting.

With kindest regards,

Ed Slavin
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