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after 211 days (fwd)
Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163
e-mail: blc+@pitt.edu
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 11:07:42 +0900
From: Keizo TAKAHASHI <tkeizo@postman.riken.go.jp>
To: COHEN Bernard <blc+@pitt.edu>
Subject: after 211 days
Dear Bernie,
This is a final sad news about JCO criticality accident.
Mr. Shinohara is dead after 211 days of accident on Sept. 30, 1999.
Mr. Hisashi OUCHI (35 years old) was dead on Dec.21, 1999 after 83 days.
Estimated exposure is 10 sieverts and 20 sieverts respectively.
My personal impression for the treatment of highly exposed person is that
medical can play very limited role, just prolong life artificially.
Best regards,
Yomiuri-Shinbun 04/27 08:04
"Victim of Criticality Accident Mr.Shinohara is Dead"
Mr. Masato SHINOHARA(40 years old), who was severely exposed at JCO Tokai
plant on 30 September 1999, is dead because of multi-organs malfunction on
7:25 am, April 27, at the University of Tokyo Hospital(Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ward).
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