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Tokai Accident doses to public


I am preparing to teach a certification class module on criticality safety
for HP's, and have been trying to make some estimates of doses to the public
from the Tokai accident due to the direct neutron and gamma radiation and
also from gasous releases based on "first principles".  Anybody seen any
good numbers out there that I can compare against?  I am particularly
interested in the doses at 100 meters, since that is the point I used in the
homework problem I assigned.  However, any points would work.  I have a few
numbers on the direct readings, but none on the gases.

Please send the info to me directly at the address below, unless you prefer
to post it for all.

Thanks in advance.

Doug Minnema, PhD, CHP
Defense Programs, DOE

"If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. 
 If the law is on your side, argue the law.  
 If neither is on your side, holler."
		- Al Gore

what few thoughts i have are truly my own.

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