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SA Opposition seeks referendum on waste dump
SA Opposition seeks referendum on waste dump
The South Australian Opposition says the Federal Government's plan to
establish a radioactive waste dump in South Australia's far north
should be put to a referendum.
Shadow Environment Minister John Hill has moved an amendment to the
State Government's legislation to ban a radioactive waste dump, to
include the plebiscite.
He says the move would send a clear message to the Federal Government
that a radioactive waste dump is not wanted in South Australia.
Federal Industry Minister Nick Minchin has welcomed what he says is
the Federal Opposition leader's refusal to rule out a dump site in
South Australia.
Opposition leader Kim Beazley has told talkback radio in Adelaide
that radioactive waste will have to be disposed of somewhere in
Australia and he doubts the correct location has yet been found.
The Federal Government has short-listed five possible sites for low-
level radioactive waste disposal in the Roxby Downs and Woomera
areas of outback South Australia.
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