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A new use for Pu-238?!?
It's here at last - the most exciting new laundry cleaning
device of all time! In fact, it is so advanced, so
revolutionary, and so far superior to all of the other
laundry disk and laundry ball imitators, they had no choice
but to call it "Laundry Disk 2000" - the laundry disk and
multilevel marketing product of the new millennium. Tested
on more than 2,500 Iraqi volunteers during the Gulf War,
there are no harsh chemical residues and only trace amounts
of radioactivity, so get washing!
**Cynthia A. Costello, CHP
**Associate Radiological Health Specialist
**New York State Department of Health
**Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection
**Flanigan Square - Room 530
**547 River Street, Troy, New York 12180-2216
**(518) 402-7590 cac04@health.state.ny.us
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