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RE: Australian nuclear research reactor replacement to cost double
You wrote on Friday June 16, 2000 10:48 AM,
> Australian uclear research reactor replacement to cost double
> The cost of a replacement nuclear reactor in Sydney's southern
> suburbs is likely to blow out to nearly twice the Federal
> Government's estimates.
> Department of Finance documents obtained by Sutherland Shire Council
> show the cost of a new reactor will be $527 million, not $286
> million as claimed by the Government.
> The Government this month announced an Argentinian company, INVAP,
> would build the replacement research reactor.
> Sutherland councillor Genevieve Rankin says it is disturbing that
> the Government is not revealing the estimates.
> "[In] 1997...[these] documents were written to the Cabinet, so it
> means the Federal Government knows that it's going to be at least
> $527 million...yet what they're saying to Parliament and to the
> public is that it's going to be $286 million," she said.
Here's an update on the ANSTO research reactor replacement cost.
ANSTO signs research reactor contract with INVAP.
Heralding "a new era of opportunity and development for Australian science
and technology", ANSTO has signed a $278.5 million contract with INVAP and
its Australian partners John Holland and Evans Deakin for construction of
the replacement research reactor at Lucas Heights. "It will be in the first
tier of [research] reactors worldwide, with performance comparable to the
national neutron sources of Japan, France and the USA", and will "meet
Australia's [radioisotope production] requirements for the forseeable
future. The INVAP design has provided substantially more radiation
facilities, and substantially higher neutron fluxes in the high flux
irradiation positions than ANSTO's minimum requirements." It is expected to
attract researchers from overseas who will enrich "Australian science and
technology in general". Local components of the project total about $140
ANSTO 13/7/00.
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