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Gamma Irradiator Facilities - Far East


We are working with one of our research clients to determine of there are 
any commercial gamma irradiator's available in the Far East, Singapore or 
Malaysia are best, that can reliably provide a 100,000 Rad irradiation to a 
3,500 liter package weekly?  The dose variance from surface to surface of 
the package should be less than 5%.  Package can be broken down to 750 
individual packages is irradiation of the entire package is not possible 
while still meeting 5% criteria.

Please reply directly to me.  Those interested in the response may email me 
directly and I will forward responses to them.  Again, please keep 
responses off RADSAFE.


Christopher W. Becker, Reactor - Laboratory Manager
T h e   U n i v e r s i t y    o f     M i c h i g a n
Phoenix Memorial Laboratory - Ford Nuclear Reactor
2301 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2100
Phone:    734.764.6224
Fax:         734.936.1571
Pager:     734.817.0952

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