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Re: Testimony of Steve Wing to US House of Representatives
> I am sure that Wing knows this...it just doesn't serve his purpose. By the time this error is pointed out to the Committe, the drama of his remarks has overshadowed the minor details..... its much like the headlines in the newspaper which gets read, but who reads the "oops we made a mistake"
> which is always buried on page 18? Its just another example of deliberate distortion of the facts to prove a point.
And whatever data was provided, the facts are obscured in hypothesis.
Therefore, we have just another hypothesis being put forth. Nothing
new was stated, just a rehash of old conjecture. However, the dye was
cast, and in the end, the hypothesis will be quoted as facts, and the
facts will be lost in the drivel.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
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