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Re: Salem, N.J.

I suppose that is why a mind set that cannot be changed by any amount of
rational argument a belief. The best course of action may be to:

-note it for future reference,
-respect it no matter how distasteful that may be,
-walk away from it with no regrets,
-and understand that it is a one-way street.


Opinions expressed are mine and do not reflect official policies or
positions of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

                    e.gov                     To:     Multiple recipients of list               
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                    s.uiuc.edu                Subject:     Re: Salem, N.J.                      
                    08/18/00 07:10 AM                                                           
                    Please respond to                                                           

Ms. Weiner recounted her experiences "Apologies in advance -- rant to
Skip it if you don't like rants,

In the mid-70s, as an NRC employee, I was sent to Salem, N.J., along with
licensing project manager for the Hope Creek application to meet with
prospective intervenors.  This was during a very brief period when NRC
management decided that the intervenor contentions were becoming so
that the public hearings were looking a little ridiculous.  In this
case, a family living just outside town had somehow obtained a list of
contentions from some national group to be used as a basis for intervening.
big problem was the contentions mostly applied to a PWR, which Hope Creek
not.  Our job was to elicit from them the root cause of their objections so
they could rephrase them in a form roughly applicable to a BWR.  (I do not
remember the couple's names; it is possible that I have already met the
It was very much like talking to fenceposts -- they weren't interested in
differences between BWRs and PWRs. They were opposed to the construction of
Creek and saw any requirement that they actually have a reason for their
opposition as being unfair.  Needless to say, our mission was not
and similar experiences at other sites quickly led to the discontinuance of
brilliant management scheme. Whoever goes to Salem will have an amazing
experience.  Repeatedly you can force a "fill-in-the-blanks" to the
.."I am opposed to X  because of Y." Each time you explain X and Y and the
in which they may or may not be related you will learn that X and Y are
immaterial to their decision.

Good luck to whoever sallies forth.

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