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MOX fuel--call for papers from AIChE
AIChE Annual Meeting - MOX Fuel Development
Call For Papers
Attention chemists and engineers who are involved or interested in the use of Mixed-Oxide Fuel in commercial reactors in the United States!
At the Spring 2001 AIChE annual conference, there will be a technical session (Number 14, Nuclear Engineering Division) which will be dedicated to the presentation of papers related to "Processes for Preparation of Weapons-Grade Plutonium for use as Mixed-Oxide Fuel". This session will be the first time that the issue of MOX fuel has been addressed at the chemical engineering conference. These engineers are greatly interested in this issue and need to become informed of the U.S. program to address the technology. MOX fuel has been used in European commercial reactors for many years. This MOX fuel, however, uses plutonium derived from reprocessed spent low-enriched uranium fuel and has a much lower percentage of the Pu239 isotope than is planned for the MOX fuel to be used in the U.S. The national program, managed by the Department of Energy, will use weapons-grade plutonium derived directly from surplus nuclear weapons that have been dismantled. A dry process will be used to c!
onvert the weapons material to the needed plutonium powder.
This AIChE meeting will be held in Houston, Texas from April 22 -26, 2001 at the George Brown Convention Center. This call for papers is now open. Abstracts are due to AIChE before October 16, 2000. The paper submittal and approval process is totally automated on the AIChE home page at http://www.aiche.org/springapp/ (cut and paste URL or click here: <a href="http://www.aiche.org/springapp/";>http://www.aiche.org/springapp/</a>). Session Chair is Donald Spellman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, spellmandj@ornl.gov, phone 865-574-7891.
Pam Gillis Watson
Knight/Jacobs Web Site Administrator
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge, TN
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