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Check out Energy secretary rips Gore - 10/5/2000 - ENN.com

A news report on finger pointing between the Energy Secretary Richardson and 
the Gore campaign over energy/oil demand and pricing which may be of interest 
to some Radsafe readers. If not interested in issues concerned with economic, 
strategic, environmental, and/or climatic aspects of alternate fuel cycles, 
delete post.

Please don't consume bandwidth criticizing this post to all members of 
Radsafe if you're not interested, but send private email to me if you wish 
to. I'm an independent voter and at this point am undecided as how I'm 
voting. See hyperlink below for full story:

<<Energy secretary rips Gore

Thursday, October 5, 2000
By Patrice Hill, The Washington Times

Energy Secretary Bill Richardson took issue Wednesday with Vice President Al 
Gore's characterization that the country is in an "energy crisis" and that 
"big oil" is to blame.>>

Click here: Energy secretary rips Gore - 10/5/2000 - ENN.com</A> 

Stewart Farber, MS Public Health
Public Health Sciences
172 Old Orchard Way
Warren, VT 05674    
[802] 496-3356
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