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FW: RADSAFE digest 3467
Somehow a typo got introduced into the ASCII version of the Field and Neuberger
letter "Radon and Breast Cancer.
-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 10:36:39 GMT
From: "Bjorn Cedervall" <bcradsafers@hotmail.com>
To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu
Subject: Bras, breast cancer & radon ( epidemiology study questioned)
Bill Field (Iowa) has kindly provided me (and allowed me to post) the
following below. Obviously the original paper was published a few years
later than I thought (that is in 1996).
Radon and Breast Cancer
Risk Analysis 1997;16:729-730
In order to determine the association between radon levels and breast cancer
incidence, we examined data from Iowa, a state with the highest mean radon
screening level and the highest percentage of homes in the U.S. with radon
screening measurements exceeding the EPA guideline of 148 Bq/ml (4 pCi/L).
First, it seems likely that the EPA picked 4 pCi/L out of the air as the radon
action guideline, rather than 148 Bq per whatever.
Secondly, the "whatever": The correct conversion is 4 pCi/L = 148
148 Bq/mL is off by a factor of a mere million.
The original Field and Neuberger letter has the correct conversion. Another
good reason to use SI units.
Best regards.
Jim Dukelow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, WA
These comments are mine and have not been reviewed and/or approved by my
management or by the U.S. Department of Energy.
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